Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cowboy Up

OUCH! On Monday I was leading Darren's horse, Cheyenne, to the pen next to the stud to see if she was in heat so I can breed her and Lilly, the wonder dog, came from behind and did an amazing job of herding her.... right over my foot! And then to make matters worse, she came at her from the other side and Cheyenne when back over the same foot. My the side of my foot and my big toe are swollen and the toe nail is black, which means it is definitely going to fall off. The worse part about this is I just got that same toe nail to grow back from the last time Cheyenne stepped on my toe!

So much for having beautiful pedicured toe nails this summer! I have been limping around the last two days so now my calf is sore from walking funny. I would love to just crawl back into bed and let it heal, but there is too much to do so I guess I have to cowboy up!

Tuesday was my birthday and I received so much love! It started out with breakfast in bed. Dar had run to 7-11 and bought me a cake doughnut with sprinkles and pink frosting and then put candles on top. Dar took me to lunch and shopping and then for a two hour horse ride in the fields around the house. It was a little breezy, but the sun was shining so it was wonderful! That is the first long ride I have been able to take Rebel on. I got him during the middle of winter so we have had to just ride in the arena. He was absolutely amazing! Cheyenne kept spooking, as she always does, at rocks, fences, holes in the ground (you name it, it scares her), but Rebel was steady and sure the whole time.

That night we had our parent camp meeting so I spent it with the young women. I received several packages with sugar cookies and cokes - (Do my friends know me well or what?) and then Jenny Peterson led everyone in the birthday song. I kept thinking, "Can't we just skip this part of it?" I hate to be sung to! On Monday, my presidency took me to a little Mexican restaurant called, Don Pedro's, for a birthday lunch. Thank goodness we didn't have to endure the big sombrero and song then! They have the best refried beans there. I could just eat the chips, salsa and beans and bag getting a meal! Someone (I can't remember who,)gave Dar this recipe to make refried beans like they do:

Refried Beans

Open a can of your favorite refried beans and put them into a pan over medium heat. Add in a spoon full of Mexican lard (or you can use regular shortening.) I personally like to stir in a tablespoon of butter because I usually don't have Mexican lard. Heat until bubbly and then sprinkle with chirozo cheese or crumbled goat cheese.

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