Sunday, June 6, 2010

Girls Camp - Here We Come!

Yesterday, we went to Salt Lake for some business and to have Kennedy retake his shooting test to get his hunter safety license. The good news is he passed! Amazing what a little practice will do.

As we were driving on the back roads to go to Salt Lake, (for some reason my husband likes to drive that way better even though it takes longer,) he looked at the gas gauge and said, "Wow! I forgot we needed to get gas." I said, "You are kidding me!" He jokingly said, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you are driving and it is your truck!" I answered. Dejavu or what? Luckily we were just outside of Roosevelt so we could stop and get gas there and..... a nice cold coke!

It's off to girls camp tomorrow at the Heber Valley Camp. I am exhausted from trying to get everything ready to go, but I am excited it is finally here. We have one leader for every two girls going - which tells you the leaders think it is as much fun to go as the girls! Plus, the family gets to see how much their wonderful mom really does while I'm gone and they appreciate me more when I come home!

I dread the not sleeping part and the hiking but everything else is a lot of fun. I am smuggling a small refrigerator to keep the cokes cold. I know it was on the girls list to not take any caffeinated drinks, but does that include the leaders? I think it is better to not ask and then beg for forgiveness later.

A couple of years ago when I went to girls camp, Kennedy didn't want me to leave. As I was about to back out of the garage, he came running out crying so I hurried and locked the door so we wouldn't have to drag him out of the car. He hoped on the running board and grabbed the car and yelled, "Hurry mom, Go! Here comes Dad!" He seriously thought I was going to drive and take him with me while he was hanging off of my car. Hopefully this year things will go a little smoother when I leave!

Bishop Jones, who ownes the Golden Corral in town, is going to go as our cook so I know we are going to eat good! Without fail though, I bet we get to eat omelette's in a bag and taco's in a bag. These are the camping staples it seems.

Omelette's in a bag:

Crack one egg in a sandwich sized Ziploc baggie that has your name written on the front (so you won't get it mixed up with anyone elses), add cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, ham and whatever other toppings you like. Seal up the baggie then drop into a large pot of boiling water. Gently push down with a spoon until the egg looks like it is cooked to the desired consistency.

Taco in a bag:

Brown hamburger, add this to the individual sized package of Doritos along with shredded cheese, chopped tomatoes and onions. Roll the top down, shake and then eat right out of the bag with a fork.

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of an omelet in a bag--I'm going to have to try that. Have fun & be safe!!
