Monday, July 12, 2010

"I'm Having A Rough Moment"

It was a rough morning. What should have been a fifteen minute drive to drop Ken off at the church to go to scout camp turned into a four hour adventure. By the time everyone got to the church, Ken had worked himself into such a panic about going to camp - the scout leader and I couldn't even force him into the car.

It's a good thing the Grey Hound bus ticket place didn't open until 9:00AM, because we got there at 8:30AM and that gave Ken thirty minutes to decide what he was going to do - get on a bus to go live with someone else or go to scout camp. By the time he decided it would be okay to go, the rest of the troop were already on their way up the mountain. That meant I had the fine privilege of driving him an hour up the mountain to try to find the scout camp. I had no idea where we were going, I just headed up the mountain and thank goodness the scout leaders had put up a few signs.

How could you not like scout camp their choices for merit badges were endless - swimming, canoeing, sailing, pioneering, cooking, archery, work carving, electronics,camping and then the not so fun choices.... first aid and Indian Lore. Ken hardly said good bye to me because he was so happy to see his friends.

While driving up there, I was so busy playing "I Spy" with Ken to keep him from working himself up into a panic again, I didn't pay attention to which roads I took. So, I got lost on the way back down the mountain. I called my husband and he told me to use the navigation system in my car. So I did, and I ended up driving the long way home because that's the way my car navigation told me to go.

The bigger boys and I spent a good portion of the night collecting donated items to take to Africa as a part of Brayden's Eagle Scout Project. I was overwhelmed with the generosity of our neighbors and friends. So many people were willing to help Brayden so he can help the school children in Africa. Our bags are bulging with baby blankets, shirts, hats, pencils, medicine, band aids and books. It is awesome! Only ten more days and we will be off for the adventure of a life time!

Alex called me tonight and said, "I'm having a rough moment." "Oh, oh, what happened?" I asked. When he took the boat down to the car wash to clean it off, the tower was too tall for the bay and he snapped it off. Good thing his dad went up to scout camp with Ken tonight. Alex is such a good boy, he went straight to the shop to weld it back on. So much for a relaxing night!

What I wouldn't give for one of my friend Lynette's chocolate brownies right now - they are great stress relievers!

Lynette's Brownies

Melt one cube of butter in a pan with 3 1/2T. cocoa, 1/2C. shortening and 1C. water. Bring to a boil, then pour over a mixture of 2C. sugar and 2C. flour. Add 1/2C. buttermilk, 2 eggs, 1t. baking soda and 1t. vanilla and stir. Pour the batter into a greased cake pan and bake at 350* for 30-40 minutes. Frost with your favorite chocolate icing when they are cool.

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