Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fiesta Time!

It is a whopping zero degrees outside right now in paradise on the Tailwind Ranch and it is supposed to snow tonight! I am dreaming of sitting on a beach with my toes in the sand as the hot sun bakes me. We were going to try to go to Mexico with some friends at the end of this month, but it's just not going to happen. So I can only dream as I am breaking the ice off of the horses water trough and shoveling the manure out of the stalls.
This afternoon I am going to take two of my boys to get their passports so we can take them to my father-in-laws house on the Mexican Baja in April. All of this talk of Mexico makes me hungry for some good Mexican food, so I think tonight we will have chicken enchilada's for dinner.
I got this recipe from my friend, Michele Fitt. She made this for us on one of our trips to Lake Powell. We went the first week in October, and it snowed on us while we were there so this warmed us right up!

Michele is an amazing Mom! One year she decided to use her family as the testers, and try a few new recipes each week. A lot of my favorite recipes I make are from her and the year of her experimenting. So I am grateful to her family for trying all the bad stuff so I could benefit and get some great recipes!

Michele's Chicken Enchiladas

Combine 3C. chicken breasts cut up with 1C. sour cream, 1/2C. chopped gren peppers, 1/2C. chopped black olives, 1/4C. chopped green onions, 1/2C. mild salsa, 2t. chili powder, a sprinkle of garlic powder, 1 can of cream of chicken soup, 1 1/2C. shredded cheddar cheese and 1 1/2C. monteray jack cheese. Refrigerate this mixture for a few hours. (It tastes even better if you leave it in the fridge over night.)

Preheat oven to 375*. Put a spoonful of this mixture in the center of a tortilla and top with 1T. of Monteray Jack cheese. Roll and place in a pan. Sprinkle Monteray Jack cheese over the top then cover with foil and bake for 1/2 hour. Remove the foil and bake for 5 - 10 min. more. Serve with sour cream, salsa and guacamole.

P.S. As usual, I messed up the soup recipe last night. I added a little bit too much rice to the chicken and rice soup so it was pretty thick, but my boys didn't care! My oldest grabbed a bag of grated cheddar cheese and sprinkled some into the soup. Naturally everyone else followed as he raved about how good it was. My husbands motto is: If you add enough cheese, butter or salt, anything will taste better. So now we have a new favorite family recipe - Cheesy Chicken and Rice Soup!


  1. I am loving your blogs. You are so cute and funny. It has been so fun getting to know you better. Love, Amber

  2. I am always impressed with how much you do. You inspire me!! That chicken and rice soup sounds yummy! I am looking forward to more of your recipes, I am all about the EZ!
