Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If you want to fly with eagles, don't hang out with turkeys!

Last night we went to a blue and gold Scout banquet for my boys. I was so proud of my youngest for being advanced two ranks and of my middle child for earning his last merit badge he needed to before he can get his eagle. My oldest already earned his eagle rank last year. At his court of honor, the advice I gave him was, "If you want to fly with the eagles, don't hang out with turkeys." (Author unknown). As I sat looking at the boys that surrounded my middle son, I realized he is truly hanging out with other eagles. Each one of those boys is different, but they all are amazing!

My husband grew up with seven friends who were the same way. They were all different. There was a football player, a couple of band players, an artist, the popular lady's man, the resource kid, the shy one who was afraid of everything and the out going obnoxious one. Together they all brought out the best of one another. They would do anything for each other and even though they are spread out across the world, they still are good friends. I'm grateful for this group of friends as well because the little sister of one of them was one of my best friends as well.

My group of five girls hung out with this group of eight guys. We all just hung out together as good friends. If one of us didn't have a date for a dance, someone would step up and go with them. Sometimes it was two girls and seven guys hanging out at a movie together. We were all just good friends blending and adding to each other's lives.

At the banquet, I mentioned to my friend Rachel Baum that I was craving some of her yummy salsa. Before the night was over I had the recipe in my hand! She told me the first day it will taste bland, so it is best to make it and let it sit for a day or two so the flavors can blend. Just like with friends, you may not always blend the first day, but every single person can add something to your life if you give them a chance.

Rachel's Salsa

In a blender, combine 2 cans of stewed tomato's, 1 small can of green chile's, 1/2 of a chopped red onion, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 clove of garlic minced, 1/8t. cumin, the juice of one lime and salt to taste.

Wow! This is too EZ!

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