Friday, February 12, 2010

That's Amore!

Since February is the month of love, I have a whole list of things I love:

My husband, (who asked me to marry him 20 years ago).

My three boys, I may be prejudiced, but I think they are just amazing!

My life on the Tailwind Ranch - who knew shoveling manure and caring for big old dirty horses would make me so happy! My Salt Lake family and friends can't understand this passion I have and it is hard for me to explain it to them. The best therapy in the world is riding through the quaking aspens with my husband and friends in the warm sunshine on a horse. I think it was Winston Churchill who said, "The is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." This is so true!

Another thing I love is pasta! Tonight a group of my neighbors are coming over for dinner and our monthly Bunco game. I am going to have a pasta bar with several different kinds of pasta to choose from. I decided to serve this mostly for selfish reasons, but also because it is soooo.... easy! One of my favorite things I am going to make is this recipe.

Chicken Alfredo

Grill three chicken breasts, dice and set aside.

In a sauce pan, over medium-low heat, melt 1/2C. butter, then add 1 pint heavy whipping cream, 1t. garlic powder, 1/2 pkg. Knorr's Alfredo sauce, and then salt and pepper. Then add the secret ingredient: a dash of cayenne pepper. Simmer for 20 min. stirring frequently until the sauce thickens.

Remove from the heat and add the chopped chicken and 1C. Parmesean cheese. Serve over hot fettucinni noodles or my favorite, angel hair pasta.

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