Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Official!

It's official! The Tailwind Ranch is now a cattle ranch. Rosie and Ruby got to come home yesterday! It is so awesome to be working in the yard or be inside my house working and hear a big hearty, "MOOOO." The horses weren't too sure about them - especially my baby Copper who has never seen a cow before. She was excited to have new friends to play with!

We had to take the calves in the horse trailer to IFA to be weighed. While we were there, I saw all the baby chickens, ducks and turkeys that were for sale. Oh I am a sucker for babies! Darren wouldn't let me get any until I build a chicken coup first - which makes sense after my track record with birds.

A couple of years ago for my birthday a good friend of my mine, Richard Tolbert, gave me two baby ducks, two turkeys, a rooster and two chicks. I was so excited! We have a couple of big empty grain silo's so we put them inside of those as a make shift bird coup. Well the turkeys killed baby ducks. One of the turkeys ran away and something killed the second one. The chickens didn't make it either and the rooster either ran away or something ate him. Darren swore we would never have birds again. After tending Misty's chickens this week, he agreed it is nice to have fresh eggs.

Plus we could always eat chicken!
I found this recipe for Malibu Chicken which sounds good at this moment!
Malibu Chicken

Pound 6 boneless chicken breasts thin.
Stir 1 egg and 1T. water together with a fork.
Put 3/4C. bread crumbs into a bowl.
Combine 1/4C. flour, some salt and some pepper then coat the chicken breasts with this mixture, then dip into the egg mixture and then press firmly into the bread crumbs.

Heat 2T. oil and 2T. butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Brown each side for about 4 to 5 minutes. Then place the chicken on a cookie sheet and top each piece of chicken with a piece of thinly sliced cooked ham and a piece of swiss cheese. Bake at 350* until the cheese melts. Then top each piece with a little bit of the following mixture: 1t. mustard and 1/4C. of mayonnaise.

1 comment:

  1. you crack me up....we'll be over to see your new additions soon.
