Friday, May 21, 2010

Now I'm A Farmer Too!

I haven't ever had much of a green thumb, in fact my thumb is pretty much a very dark brown. I couldn't figure out why several of the perennials I planted were struggling. Then my mother-in-law came out a couple of days ago and told me it was because our soil is too sandy. She went and bought a couple of bags of soil pep and my little plants are already perking up! Amazing!

The boys helped me get the garden started yesterday and then we put up a big fence to try to keep the deer, rabbits, skunks and other critters out of it. Beans, peas, onions, pumpkins, zucchini, radishes, cilantro ..... those are just a few of the things that I got planted yesterday. Today I hope to plant the rest of the veggies so I can make this salad which is appropriately called, "The Mother of All Salads."

Marinate six chicken breasts in terriyaki sauce over night. Season them with lemon pepper and garlic salt, then grill. Cut into strips and set aside.
Combine one bag of each of the following - or my case with the fresh stuff, one head of each of the following:
romaine, mixed lettuce and ice berg with one bag of slivered carrots.
Add 2C. grated Parmesan cheese, 2C. grated mozzarella and 1 lb. cooked bacon crumbled.
Lay the chicken strips on top of the lettuce.

For the dressing:
In a blender mix:
1C. sugar, 1/2C. red wine vinegar, 1t. dry mustard, 1 1/2t. salt, 1/4C. chopped red onion, then add 1C. vegetable oil. Toss the salad with the dressing then add craisens and sliced apples.

The true test of my farming skills is if anything grows long enough for us to be able to eat! By the way, anyone know how to grow craisens? (he,he,he)

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